đŸŽâ€â˜ ïž Skull and Bones Les luttes d’un jeu de pirates

Sea of Thieves quickly outshines Skull and Bones.

Ahoy, mateys! If you’ve been sailing the digital seas in search of a thrilling pirate adventure, you might have come across Skull and Bones. Developed by Ubisoft, this game aimed to surpass the high bar set by Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag and provide an immersive pirate experience. Unfortunately, it seems like the winds of fate have not been kind to this ambitious title. 🌊

Falling Short of Expectations

When it comes to creating pirate-themed video games, there have been some gems over the years. From classics like Sid Meier’s Pirates! to LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean, the genre has seen its fair share of successes. However, these games, while enjoyable in their time, didn’t quite capture the vastness of the pirate life that modern gamers crave. It was Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag that truly set the standard back in 2013. Now, with Skull and Bones entering the fray, Ubisoft hoped to raise that bar even higher.

Regrettably, Skull and Bones has failed to make the splash Ubisoft had anticipated. With a lackluster 57 on Metacritic, the game feels like a relic from the past rather than a captivating experience tailored for the present. Its seasonal approach shows potential, but it’s been overshadowed by a formidable rival on the horizon. That rival, my dear sailors, is none other than Sea of Thieves. đŸ—ș

Sea of Thieves Casts a Shadow

Recently announced for PlayStation, Sea of Thieves has swiftly stolen the spotlight and left Skull and Bones stranded in its wake. Developed by Rare Ltd., Sea of Thieves offers a shared pirate world for players to explore, creating a vast PvEvP (Player vs. Environment vs. Player) experience. While Skull and Bones has struggled to capture the essence of a pirate’s life, Sea of Thieves has triumphantly sailed ahead, offering everything that fans desire.

But how did we get here? Let’s set sail on a journey through the tumultuous development of Skull and Bones. đŸŒȘ

A Stormy Development Voyage

Though Skull and Bones was officially announced in 2017, its development began a staggering decade ago, back in 2013. After the resounding success of Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag, Ubisoft decided to embark on an ambitious pirate-themed MMO spin-off. Originally titled Black Flag Infinite, this MMO would never see the light of day in its originally envisioned form.

As time went on and technology advanced, Ubisoft transformed Black Flag Infinite into a standalone game: Skull and Bones. With its first reveal in 2017 and a scheduled release for 2018, the game promised an exhilarating online multiplayer experience set in a shared world with various team-based game modes. However, numerous delays reshaped the game along its journey, leaving players with a product that feels disjointed and outdated.

đŸȘ¶ Feather in the Cap of Sea of Thieves

Adding insult to injury, Sea of Thieves is preparing to conquer a new frontier: PlayStation. Just five days after Skull and Bones was released, the announcement was made that Sea of Thieves would be docking on PlayStation 5 on April 30, 2024. As one of Xbox’s four prominent titles expanding to multiple platforms, the anticipation for Sea of Thieves’ PlayStation debut has already overshadowed Skull and Bones’ lackluster reception.

Initialement sorti en 2018, Sea of Thieves a concrĂ©tisĂ© la promesse que Skull and Bones avait posĂ©e toutes ces annĂ©es auparavant, offrant un monde pirate PvPvE partagĂ©. Avec six ans d’avance, Sea of Thieves est devenu la rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  laquelle tous les jeux de pirates sont comparĂ©s. DĂ©sormais, il a l’opportunitĂ© de conquĂ©rir un public plus large que jamais, garantissant que Skull and Bones sera bientĂŽt perdu dans les vagues des jeux oubliĂ©s. ⚓

Contenu Q&A Supplémentaire

Q : Quelles sont les principales critiques de Skull and Bones ?

R : Skull and Bones a Ă©tĂ© critiquĂ© pour son gameplay rĂ©pĂ©titif, son histoire et ses personnages peu convaincants, ainsi que pour une sensation gĂ©nĂ©rale d’ĂȘtre dĂ©passĂ© par rapport aux sorties plus rĂ©centes. Les joueurs ont Ă©galement exprimĂ© leur dĂ©ception quant au fait que le temps de dĂ©veloppement prolongĂ© du jeu n’a pas abouti Ă  une expĂ©rience plus aboutie et engageante.

Q : Comment Sea of Thieves diffĂšre-t-il de Skull and Bones ?

R : Alors que les deux jeux explorent le thĂšme des pirates, Sea of Thieves offre une expĂ©rience hautement interactive et immersive avec son monde pirate partagĂ©, permettant aux joueurs de se lancer ensemble dans des aventures. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, Skull and Bones se concentre davantage sur les combats navals et les modes multijoueurs en ligne. La diffĂ©rence clĂ© est que Sea of Thieves incarne le style de vie pirate, favorisant l’exploration, la coopĂ©ration et la narration Ă©mergente.


  1. Skull and Bones: Quadruple the Game, Beta Players Say It’s Worth the $70 Price of Entry
  2. Sea of Thieves Coming to PlayStation 5 in April, Xbox Confirms Four Exclusives Headed to Other Platforms
  3. Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag Setting Such a High Bar
  4. Skull and Bones
  5. Black Flag’s Engine and Tech
  6. Skull and Bones’ Development
  7. Skull and Bones’ Initial Premise

Maintenant, mes compagnons pirates, il est temps de lever l’ancre et de partager vos pensĂ©es sur les mers traĂźtresses de Skull and Bones. Avez-vous bravĂ© ses eaux, ou avez-vous trouvĂ© refuge dans le monde dynamique de Sea of Thieves ? Partagez vos expĂ©riences dans les commentaires ci-dessous, et que la bataille des jeux de pirates commence ! âš”ïžđŸŽź

Note : Toutes les images utilisĂ©es dans cet article sont Ă  des fins illustratives seulement et ne reprĂ©sentent pas des captures d’Ă©cran rĂ©elles du jeu.